Hacking Chinese

A better way of learning Mandarin

Articles in the ‘Learning outside class’ category Page 16

  1. How and why to use television to learn Chinese

    Television is a valuable asset in the modern language learners toolkit. The medium provides a convenient way to enjoy large volumes of passive listening practice in a stress free environment. The combination of visual and auditory senses makes the medium accessible to the entire spectrum of Chinese learners, from the beginner through to advanced learners. This is article is about how and why to use television to learn Chinese.

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  2. How to find out how good your Chinese pronunciation really is

    Evaluating pronunciation needn’t be hard, but many methods commonly used by teachers are deeply flawed, resulting in inaccurate error analysis. If we want to improve, we need to be clear about what we need to improve first. This article looks at some problems with commonly used methods to evaluate pronunciation and suggests some alternatives.

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  3. The three roads to mastering Chinese

    Mastering a foreign language is a daunting task, especially a language as foreign as Chinese! In this article, I outline three possible roads that all lead towards mastery. They have in common that we really need to make Chinese an important and integrated part of our lives, because that’s the only way we can spend the time we need to really get to know the language.

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  4. How to Approach Chinese Grammar

    In this article John Pasden discusses how to approach Chinese grammar as a foreigner, starting by debunking a few myths and then going on to how to actually learn grammar. Chinese is a language where you can very far with just a few basic concepts and patterns, so make the most of what you learn and try to use it immediately. Then extend your knowledge gradually and return to old patterns for a more detailed look later when you actually need to. Grammar learning should be driven by an actual need for better ways of expressing yourself or understanding what people say to you!

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  5. Sensible character learning challenge 2014: Milestone #2

    The second milestone in the 2014 sensible character learning challenge has now been reached! This is a good opportunity to join the challenge if you haven’t already, and if you have, it’s time to report how the five weeks have gone. This article also contains information about prizes (character posters, free extensions and more) for the second milestone, as well as my own reflections of my character learning.

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  6. The grand listening cycle: Improve your Chinese listening ability

    Learning to understand spoken Chinese is mostly a matter of practice and I’ve found that having fixed and regular routines helps a lot. This article introduces the grand listening cycle, which contains almost everything you want when it comes to listening ability. It’s a method I’ve used extensively to improve my own listening comprehension and it has helped me immensely.

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  7. Sensible character learning challenge 2014: Milestone #1

    The first milestone in the 2014 sensible character learning challenge has now been reached! This is a good opportunity to join the challenge if you haven’t already, and if you have, it’s time to report how the first few weeks have gone. This article also contains information about prizes (character posters, free extensions and promo codes) for the first milestone, as well as my own reflections of my character learning.

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  8. Why good feedback matters and how to get it

    Teachers give feedback in many different ways, some terribly bad, others very good. The bad ones let you struggle for hours just to correct your essay, not necessarily learning much on the way. The good ones not only allow you to correct your essay, you also feel that you’re learning a lot and won’t make the same mistakes again. This article sets down some guidelines for how to give good feedback, useful for both students and teachers.

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  9. Improving Foreign Language Pronunciation: Interview with Hacking Chinese on Language is Culture

    This is a 70-minute interview with me done by David Mansaray of Language is Culture. In the interview, we talk mainly about learning how to pronounce a foreign language as an adult. I share some of my own knowledge, thoughts and opinions and there’s probably something for everyone in this interview. Listen to it directly or download it to your phone for later listening!

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  10. Sensible Chinese character learning challenge 2014

    The 2014 sensible Chinese character learning challenge starts soon! This article introduces the challenge and how you join us. Apart from learning a lot of characters and improving the way you learn characters, you also get a discount and free extensions on Skritter, as well as a chance of winning character posters from Hanzi WallChart!

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