Hacking Chinese

A better way of learning Mandarin

Articles tagged with ‘Meet-up’

  1. Hacking Chinese meet-up in Beijing, July 18th 2024

    It’s time for a Hacking Chinese meet-up in Beijing! It’s the first time I visit China since before the pandemic, so I’m looking forward to meeting people interested in learning or teaching Chinese based in or around Beijing. The meet-up will be held on July 18th in the evening.

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  2. Hacking Chinese meet-ups in San Francisco (July 20th) and New York (July 24th)

    Hacking Chinese meet-ups in the US

    I will arrange two meet-ups in the US next week: one in San Francisco on July 20th and one in New York on July 24th. The article contains more info about the meet-ups, including how to register. I also need your help to find suitable venues!

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  3. Hacking Chinese meet-up in Beijing 2015-07-12

    It’s time for the first Hacking Chinese meet-up in Beijing! I have arranged many meet-ups in Taipei since I lived there for many years, but this is the first time I arrange a meet-up in Mainland China. The meet-up will take place this Sunday in Beijing. The main purpose of the meet-up is to meet […]

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  4. Hacking Chinese meet-up in Taipei 2014-06-28

    It’s time for what might be the last Hacking Chinese meet-up in Taiwan for quite some time. I’m going to China this summer and then back to Sweden. If you haven’t joined any previous meet-ups, this is a good chance to do so! If you have joined earlier meet-ups, I’m looking forward to seeing you again before I leave!

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  5. Hacking Chinese meet-up in Taipei 2014-03-22

    It’s been way too long since the previous meet-up and it’s time to get together again to talk about Chinese, life, the universe and whatever else you want to talk about. About a dozen people usually turn up and this is an excellent occasion to get to know some other serious learners and talk about Chinese for a few hours. The main language is English (i.e. you don’t have to be good at Chinese to join), but Chinese is of course also great.

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  6. Hacking Chinese meet-up in Taipei 2013-10-06

    A new semester has just begun and it’s time for another Hacking Chinese meet-up in Taipei! The event is open for everyone who wants to join and talk about learning Chinese or other topics you find interesting. The meet-up will be held in Taipei, probably close to NTNU, on October 6th. Don’t forget to sign-up if you plan to join!

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  7. Hacking Chinese meet-up in Taipei 2013-05-12

    I’m almost through a busy period with mid-term exams and a gymnastics competition, and since I won’t stay in Taiwan long after the semester ends, the only opportunity for another meet-up this semester is before final exams and reports start piling up, i.e. now. The previous meet-up was a great success, at least in my opinion. Close to a dozen people showed up and we discussed learning Chinese an entire afternoon. Let’s do that again! This meet-up will also be held in a cafe somewhere close to the NTNU main campus (close to both 古亭 and 臺電大樓 MRT stations) in Taipei.

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  8. Hacking Chinese meet-up in Taipei 2013-03-02

    I’ve been in Taiwan for almost six months and even though I have met some people I previously only knew over the internet, I still haven’t arranged a proper Hacking Chinese meet-up. Time to change that! The first meet-up ever is planned for next Saturday (March 2nd) and will be held in Taipei.

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