Hacking Chinese

A better way of learning Mandarin

Articles tagged with ‘Escape’

  1. 文字冒险游戏及其在对外汉语教学中的应用

    Interactive text games work well for individual learners, but they are also excellent in
    a classroom setting. This article gives you everything you need as a teacher to play Escape! in your classroom. This article is in Chinese, but there is an English version too.

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  2. Text adventure games and how to use them in the Chinese language classroom

    Interactive text games work well for individual learners, but they are also excellent in a classroom setting. This article gives you everything you need as a teacher to play Escape! in your classroom. A Chinese version of this article is available as well.

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  3. Five text games for Chinese learners

    This article is about five text games for Chinese learners. It both introduces the games and asks for feedback about how they can become even more engaging and fun. Each game contains on average roughly 10,000 characters, which makes them on par with a typical graded reader.

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  4. Escape: A text adventure game for Chinese learners

    Escape is a text game for Chinese learners. It works like a graded reader with level-adjusted content, except that it’s also interactive! You have been captured and need to escape. To do this, you need to understand what happens and make the right choices based on what you read.

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