Hacking Chinese

A better way of learning Mandarin

Hacking Chinese meet-up in Beijing, July 4th

Olle in Beijing 2017 It’s time for a Hacking Chinese meet-up in Beijing! It’s been two years since the previous meet-up and I’m looking forward to meeting people interested in learning or teaching Chinese based in or around Beijing. The meet-up will be held somewhere in the city centre, probably close to 北京站, at 2 PM on July 4th (that’s next Tuesday).

The meet-up is meant to be a relaxed occasion where a common interest brings people together to exchange ideas. The event itself is of course free of charge, but since we will be in a café, you will need to at least buy something to drink for 20-30 RMB. I will announce the exact location later to those that have signed-up.

The main language will be English since I want to include people who aren’t fluent in Mandarin yet, but of course Chinese can be used too. Everyone is welcome: beginners, advanced learners, teachers and native speakers.

You sign up by sending an e-mail to editor@hackingchinese.com. Please sign up before the end of the week (before the end of Sunday, July 2nd) so I can make sure there’s room for everyone. Please let me know who you are, if you’re bringing someone else (so I can keep a rough headcount) and if you have something in particular you want to discuss during the meet-up.

Anyone who shows up will get $20 off my course or have a copy of my book signed (although you need to already have the book, because I don’t carry any copies with me).

I’m sorry if this late announcement means that some people can’t attend, but my schedule hasn’t been clear enough to announce a date until now, so this was the only way. I hope some of you can still make it and I’m looking forward to seeing you next week!

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I've been learning and teaching Chinese for more than a decade. My goal is to help you find a way of learning that works for you. Sign up to my newsletter for a 7-day crash course in how to learn, as well as weekly ideas for how to improve your learning!

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