Hacking Chinese

A better way of learning Mandarin

Articles in the ‘Intermediate’ category Page 37

  1. Towards a more sensible way of learning to write Chinese

    This character learning challenge strives to teach students to learn Chinese characters in a way that makes sense in the long term. While the challenge is over, the principles are still applicable!

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  2. You can’t learn Chinese characters by rote

    My conclusion after years of learning characters is that rote learning is useless. Spaced repetition software is good, but it’s still not enough. If adult foreigners are going to learn to write Chinese by hand, we really need another method. We need mnemonics, we need active processing, we need to quit rote learning and stop using SRS mechanically.

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  3. Why you really should use a Chinese notebook

    Keeping a notebook with you at all times is essential, not only because it makes sure you don’t forget important things you want to learn, look up, follow up or remember for other reasons, but also because it help you keep your mind clear and enables you to focus on what’s important and thus learn more Chinese.

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  4. Measuring your language learning is a double-edged sword

    Spaced repetition software offers a great way of measuring progress, every step forward is recorded and clearly visible. However, this is also a trap, because even though SRS is useful, it’s just a tool, not a comprehensive strategy. Measurable progress is a great help, but only if you use it correctly.

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  5. Have fun learning Chinese or else…

    Having fun while learning, or at least making the best of every situation, is essential. Learning a language requires a lot of time and if we don’t enjoy the process, we aren’t likely to invest the time we need to master a language.

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  6. RTI, my favourite radio station

    If you want to improve your listening ability, always having something to listen to is essential. Preferably, it should require effort to NOT listen to Chinese. Only have Chinese audio on your phone, set a radio station on autostart on your computer, etc. This article is about RTI, an excellent source of listening material. It’s good mostly because of its diversity and ease of access, meaning that you will never run out of things to listen to.

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  7. 13 more songs to learn Chinese and expand your horizons

    This is the third article in a series about using music to learn Chinese. The goal this time is to expand your horizons a bit and help you find music you like. While you probably won’t enjoy all songs presented here, it’s fairly likely that you will find at least a few you like!

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  8. Learning Chinese in the shower with me

    This article is about using time and space in your shower to learn more Chinese. This might seem extreme, but it’s just another method of diversifying your learning. Why spend high quality time in front of your computer or in the library learning things you could equally well learn in your shower?

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  9. Learning styles: Use with caution!

    Looking at popular literature about learning styles, it looks like the use of learning styles is based on solid science. This isn’t the case and many scientists dispute the claims made by authors and educators favouring teaching based on learning styles. In this article, I discuss learning styles critically, but also provide some thoughts on how they can be used productively.

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  10. Vocalise more to learn more Chinese

    Do you know how to make your passive learning more active and thereby learn a lot more Chinese? This article is about how you can increase your awareness of the language around you, process it more actively and therefore also learn more from the experience.

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