Hacking Chinese

A better way of learning Mandarin

Articles tagged with ‘Role-playing’

  1. Student Q&A, April 2024: Learning chengyu, listening to yourself and using role-playing games to learn Chinese

    Is recording and listening to your own Chinese useful for improving your speaking ability? How can you use chengyu to expand your repertoire? And how can role-playing games be utilised to improve your spoken Chinese?

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  2. 10 ways of using games to learn and teach Chinese

    Playing games to learn Chinese

    Games are great for learning languages. Here are ten ways you can use games to learn or teach Chinese as a second language!

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  3. Role-playing to learn more Chinese and avoid frustration

    Focusing on meaning rather than form is usually a good idea. It allows you to communicate as opposed to just do drills, which is only useful in limited doses. However, caring too much about what you want to say rather than how you do it will sometimes make you unable to say much at all. In these cases, role play! You don’t need to answer questions truthfully in class. Exploring questions from different perspectives will not only help you learn more, it’s more fun as well!

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  4. Role-playing as a way to expand your Chinese

    When learning a language, we naturally become very good at what we do often, but expanding our knowledge beyond our personal sphere of experience is an essential step to take. Role-playing is a useful tool that can be employed to take this step. Practice with a friend and create new situations or new persons, all depending on which area you feel you need to improve in.

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