Hacking Chinese

A better way of learning Mandarin

Articles tagged with ‘Classical Chinese’

  1. Is learning things by heart good for improving your Chinese?

    Learning things by heart used to be a mainstay of language education but is now often frowned upon. Is learning things by heart good for improving your Chinese or just a waste of time

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  2. Learning Classical Chinese is for everyone (no, seriously!)

    Classical Chinese is something all learners will encounter, whether it’s because it’s part of a course you take, because you’ve started learning formal, written Chinese or simply because you want to read the Art of War, the Analects or Tang poetry. How can you learn Classical Chinese and what resources should you use?

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  3. The benefits of using 语文/國文 textbooks to learn Chinese

    Using textbooks meant for native speakers is a great way of improving your reading and writing, as well as learning about literature and culture in general. 语文/國文 textbooks are difficult, but also very rewarding!

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  4. Accessing Chinese culture through cartoons

    Accessing Chinese culture can be very hard if you go through the original stories or written versions. If you go through cartoons online, however, it not only becomes easier, it’s also more fun!

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  5. The Cthulhu bubble and studying Chinese

    The Cthulhu bubble and studying Chinese

    What does learning Chinese have to do with the Cthulhu Mythos? Quite a lot, actually. This article is about your bubble of safety and what happens when monsters (weird, difficult cases) appear and what you should do to avoid insanity. In short, don’t poke the monster in the eye; when encountering strange cases, either ignore them or memorise them, don’t waste time understanding everything you hear or see.

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