Hacking Chinese

A better way of learning Mandarin

Articles published in July 2013

  1. 5 insights from the first year of a master’s program in Taiwan

    Pursuing an academic degree taught in Chinese is a great example of instrumental motivation. This article contains five insights from my first year at the Graduate Institute for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (華語文教學研究所) in Taipei, Taiwan. Among other things, the article is about grammar, native speakers, the importance of having fun and the essence of communicative learning.

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  2. How to get good grades when studying Chinese

    Ideally, we would study Chinese just because we want to and in any manner we see fit, but this isn’t how it works for most students. Instead, we need to care about tests and grades, an extra layer added on top of our own personal goals and ambitions. This article is about studying Chinese when those tests and grades really matter, a kind of basic survival guide for both exams and courses.

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  3. The get-back-up-to-speed summer challenge

    This is a challenge to encourage readers (and myself) to get more out of the remaining weeks of the summer. I have huge Anki and skritter queues and I plan to fight the down to zero before September 1st. You might need to study more vocabulary or you might have other things you want to complete this summer. Will you join the challenge?

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  4. Role-playing as a way to expand your Chinese

    When learning a language, we naturally become very good at what we do often, but expanding our knowledge beyond our personal sphere of experience is an essential step to take. Role-playing is a useful tool that can be employed to take this step. Practice with a friend and create new situations or new persons, all depending on which area you feel you need to improve in.

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